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Real Estate Photography


Real estate and photography are like peanut butter and jelly. One can exist without the other one, but why would anyone ever eat an only jelly sandwich? What I am trying to say is that the two of these are symbiotic and run simultaneously to produce the real results realtors need to accomplish month in and month out. The housing market is stronger than ever right now, and homes are being sold at a rapid rate.

As real estate begins to increase, so does the need for photography. The quality of the pictures you show potential homeowners, will determine what they perceive as the quality of the home.

For years now, realtors have understood the necessity of spending more time, money, and resources to attain quality photographs to sell a home. As the competition increases for realtors, the necessity of detail also increases. The photos that you post for your home will be the determining factor of whether or not you will get a call or interest on a given home that you are trying to sell. Now, this may be common knowledge for some of our advanced realtors, so we decided to help more advanced realtors and new ones alike. After a lot of research, I discovered facts that apply directly to realtors or anyone in the real estate industry. After reading this you'll really understand the importance of real estate photography.

Note: These are all facts from stated sources and have hyperlinks to each one with the source.

- Listings with professional photographs sell 32% faster, spending only 89 days on the market compared to 123 for other homes. (PR Newswire)

- Homes with high-quality photos receive 47% higher asking price per square foot. (

- Listings with professional photos receive 118% more online views. (IMOTO PHOTO)

- Buyers spend 60% of their time looking at listing photos, and only 20% each on the listing description and agent description. (The Wall Street Journal.)

- Only 15% of listings have high-quality photography, with half of over $1 million listings using low-quality photos. (The Wall Street Journal)

- Agents who outsource photography earn twice as much commission as those who do not. Only 35% of agents use professional photographers. (

This is the type of information that we look, research and observe every week to understand the importance of what we do. The market for high-quality photography is abundant, yet realtors and individuals interested in real estate often overlook this step and take photos themselves to save a few extra bucks. The high-quality photography will always return your investment by increasing the value of the home to a buyer, quicker turnaround on each unit, and establish greater credibility to your potential customers.

Let's take a look at some of the photos that we have taken in the past to show the difference between photography you invest in:

When someone looks at the pictures, they need to see detail, great lighting, and high quality. These photographs are the first impression that they receive of the home that you are selling. When you consider a $200,000+ investment that these customers are embarking on, you begin to realize that for an investment of that size. you need to put your best foot forward.

Every home has a buyer and we have heard that time and time again, however, what if your buyer has seen the pictures of the home, but aren't happy with what they see before they even come to check the house out? You just lost a potential buyer because of the quality of your images.

We emphasize greatly the necessity of hiring a photography company to handle your needs when it pertains to photo-shoots of your home. We have been doing this for years now and without doubt, we try new strategies every single day. Every home is not the same. Some homes have specific angles that make the room, kitchen, and living room amazing. The lighting in the room plays a big role in how well the photography will come out. The settings on your camera will play another role in how the photograph will look. The way you edit and enhance the photograph will completely change the way your home is presented.

There are many factors to consider when taking photographs of homes and we learned them all. We have been in business for years and understand what home buyers like and don't like. We understand how to make a room look lively, warm, and bright.

If you have not considered bringing in a photographer for your photographer needs, then you may want to give it a try. It not drastically changes the outcome of your listing, but also saves you a lot of time and headache. Give it a try and realize what you have been missing!

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